When addiction spins you out of control, reach for a steady hand.
Harbor House and Chester Ray Residential Treatment
Welcome home
It’s time to surround yourself with others who believe in your recovery. As you step inside one of our residential treatment centers, Harbor House for Women or Chester A. Ray Center for Men, you’ll join a family of people who can relate to where you are. Many are in recovery themselves and know it can work for you. It’s time to free yourself from your past and discover a better life ahead.
When it seems no one understands the struggle to overcome an addiction, you can find sisterhood at Reach’s residential treatment home for women. Harbor House offers full residential substance abuse treatment for women for up to 90 days.
Residents develop healthy coping skills through treatment sessions, lectures, assignments, and scheduled activities. Each resident works toward transitioning back into the community by seeking employment, doing volunteer work, and addressing housing needs. Those who obtain employment and/or volunteer work during their stay may be approved for an abbreviated schedule of required activities. We also offer a mother with infant program with residential treatment.

A candidate must:
- Have a chemical dependency diagnosis
- Have abstained from drugs and alcohol for a minimum of 72 hours prior to admission
- Demonstrate positive interest toward recovery, and a willingness to attend recovery support groups such as AA and NA
- Be in good health and free from any major medical or psychiatric complications that would interfere with treatment
- Be willing to live in a highly structured environment
All belongings brought must be limited to ONE suitcase and one backpack/duffle bag.
What to bring:
- Cell phone and charger
- Bring your prescribed medications in their original bottles
- Clothing – must be able to be put away in a few drawers and closet space
- Comfortable shoes for walking and exercising
- Exercise clothing and bathing suit (optional)
- Your own bedding for a twin bed (if able)
- Your own towels/washcloths (if able)
- Your own hygiene products – soap, haircare products, toothpaste deodorant, shaving razor, mouthwash (must be alcohol free), feminine products and laundry detergent
- May bring perfume and nail polish remover
- Hair dryer and related items
- Backpack or large bag to carry materials
- Notebooks and pens are welcomed
- Adult coloring books if desired
- Pop (must be caffeine free), gum, and candy only
- Money for personal shopping, medications, hygiene (if desired)
- Any nicotine products brought must be new and still sealed in the packaging… including vapes. Vapes must be single-use and non-refillable.
- May bring your own alarm clock and fan
- Other electronics are allowed at their own risk
Prohibited items:
- Energy drinks, kombucha, or caffeinated pops
- Cough syrup
- Kratum
- Drug or alcohol paraphernalia
- Clothing promoting substances
- No vibrators, sex toys, pornography
- No personal food unless approved for dietary reasons ahead of admission
- No weapons or pocket knives
- No mind or mood altering substances
Priority Placement
Priority placement is given to those with Child Protective Services involvement.
Chester A. Ray Center For Men
When it seems no one understands the struggle to overcome an addiction, you can find brotherhood at Reach’s residential treatment home for men. Chester A. Ray Center offers full residential substance abuse treatment for men for up to 90 days.
Residents develop healthy coping skills through treatment sessions, lectures, assignments, and scheduled activities. Each resident works toward transitioning back into the community by seeking employment, doing volunteer work, and addressing housing needs. Those who obtain employment and/or volunteer work during their stay may be approved for an abbreviated schedule of required activities.

A candidate must:
- Have a chemical dependency diagnosis
- Have abstained from drugs and alcohol for a minimum of 72 hours prior to admission
- Demonstrate positive interest toward recovery, and a willingness to attend recovery support groups such as AA and NA
- Be in good health and free from any major medical or psychiatric complications that would interfere with treatment
- Be willing to live in a highly structured environment
What to bring:
- Cell phone and charger
- Bring your prescribed medications in their original bottles
- Clothing – must be able to be put away in a few drawers and closet space
- Comfortable shoes for walking and exercising
- Exercise clothing and bathing suit (optional)
- Your own bedding for a twin bed (if able)
- Your own towels/washcloths (if able)
- Your own hygiene products (if able) *do not need to be alcohol free
- May bring perfume and nail polish remover – no mouthwash with alcohol
- You may bring razors for shaving
- Hair dryer and related items
- Backpack or large bag to carry materials
- Notebooks and pens are welcomed
- Adult coloring books if desired
- Pop, gum, candy only
- Money for coin operated laundry and own detergent
- Money for personal shopping, medications, hygiene (if desired)
- May smoke cigarettes (8 smoke breaks daily) – may roll your own
- May bring your own alarm clock and fan
Prohibited items:
- Energy drinks or kombucha
- Cough syrup
- Vapes or related products
- Kratum
- Drug or alcohol paraphernalia
- Clothing promoting substances
- No electronics besides your cell phone and headphones
- No vibrators, sex toys, pornography
- No personal food unless approved for dietary reasons ahead of admission
- No weapons or pocket knives
- No mind or mood altering substances
Priority Placement
Priority placement is given to those with Child Protective Services involvement.

I reached for belonging
“There’s no place for fear in my life anymore. I feel like I belong somewhere. I don’t feel alone. I see the good in everything. I’m just a whole solid person that can offer a heck of a lot more.”
– Becca, Client